Krytox™ GPL 105 Fluorinated PFPE non-flammable oil

€508,95 EUR

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Atest: NSF H1 spożywczy do kontaktu z żywnością

Cechy szczególne: Dobra odporność chemiczna, Dobra odporność na utlenianie, Dobra przyczepność do wielu podłoży, Niski poziom hałasu, Wydajność w niskich prędkościach, Wydajność w wysokich temperatur., Wysoka przyczepność i adhezja

Niska temperatura: od -31°C do -50°C

Przemysł: Chemia i Petrochemia, Lotnictwo, Medycyna i farmacja, Motoryzacja, Obróbka i produkcja metali, Papier i Celuloza, Żywność i Napoje

Skład Ciała Stałe: PTFE teflon

Typ produktu: Olej

Wysoka temperatura: +201°C do 249°C

Zastosowanie: Chemiczne żrące środowisko, Maszyny spożywcze, Papier i tektura, Próżnia pompy próżniowe, Smarowanie gumy i elastomerów, Smarowanie tworzyw sztucznych, uszczelnienia o-ringi i zawory, Usługi reaktywne, Wielozadaniowe

baza chemiczna: Fluorowa PFPE Perfluoropolieter

Krytox™ GPL 105 Oil

Transparent synthetic oil based on PFPE (ISO 150) for long-term and non-reactive lubrication. Temperature range -36°C to 204°C. NSF H1 Food Grade Approval

Krytox™ GPL105 is completely non-flammable and non-reactive, making it ideal for applications at extremely high temperatures.

Krytox™ GPL105 is safe in chemical and oxygen applications.

Krytox™ GPL105 exhibits amazing thermal stability where traditional lubricants degrade and fail -36°C to 204°C.

Krytox™ GPL105 is also NSF H1 Food Grade certified for use in sensitive food industry applications.

Typical applications

Krytox™ GPL105 is the right lubricant for a wide range of applications where non-reactivity, non-flammability and long-term performance are desired. Krytox™ GPL105 is also ideal for applications where food sensitivity is an issue and is H1 food grade certified.
  • automotive
    • headrest posts,
    • seat belt mechanism,
    • inner surface NVH
  • oxygen systems, including LOX and GOX.
  • seals and o-rings - compatible with all types of seals
  • Maintenance, repair, refurbishment
    • Bearings
    • chains
    • Control cables
    • cryogenics
    • Noise, vibration, roughness
    • Sliding bearings, bushings and bushings
    • Plastic lubrication
    • Reactive service
    • Rubber and elastomer lubrication
    • Slides, guides and tracks
    • Spindles
    • Vacuum and vacuum pumps
    • Valves, seals, gaskets and O-rings

Features and benefits

  • Non-flammable Non-reactive
  • Inert chemical composition
  • Robust thermal stability (-36°C to 204°C)
  • ISO 150 class
  • Oil safe for chemical and oxygen applications provides radiation resistance
  • Extended greasing intervals and equipment life
    Maintains lubrication under extreme temperatures, heavy loads and aggressive chemicals
  • NSF H1 certified for contact with food

Properties of Krytox GPL 105 Oil

ISO class: 150
Estimated usable temperature range: -36°C to 204°C
Oil viscosity at 40°C : 160
Oil viscosity index: 124
Oil pour point : -36°C
Oil density, g/ml at 0°C: maximum 1.94
Oil volatility, % in 22 hours at 121°C : 1
Oil separation, weight loss, % in 30 hours at 99°C : 5%
Approved for contact with food (H1): Yes
Basic Chemistry: PFPE

product specification

Typical properties for a grease GPL105 GPL205 GPL215 GPL225
Anti-corrosion additives NO NO NO Yes
Extreme pressure EP additives NO NO Yes NO
Anticorrosive Rating, ASTM D1743 ON ON ON It passes
Appearance Bright Oil White,
Creamy texture
Creamy texture
Creamy texture
4 Ball Wear 0.8mm 0.68mm 1.01mm 0.74mm
ASTM D4172 (oil) / D2266 (grease)
40kg, 1200rpm, 1hr at 75 °C (167 °F)
Bearing performance at high temperature 5000+
ASTMD3336, h, 10,000 rpm, 200°C (392°F)
4 Ball EP, ASTM D2783 (oil) / 2596 (grease) 92.7/315 kg 132.6/800kg 174.4/Over 800kg* 198.5/Over 800kg*
LWI / Weld Load
Estimated Usable Temperature Range –36–204°C(–33–400°F)
Base Oil Viscosity, cSt 20°C(68°F) 522
40°C(104°F) 160
100°C(212°F) 18
204°C(400°F) 3.1
Oil Viscosity Index 124
Oil Separation, wt% at 30 hrs, 99°C (210°F) 5
Max Oil Variation,  
% in 22 hours, D2595121 °C (250 °F) 1
204°C (400°F) 7
Dropping point ON
Standard NLGI Consistency 2 2 2
(Other Available on Special Request)
Density at 0°C (32°F), g/cc 1.94 1.98 2.12 1.99
Approval for contact with food NSFH-1 NSFH-1 NO


Storage and durability

Due to the inert, non-oxidizing nature of the ingredients, Krytox™ greases and oils have an indefinite shelf life if left unopened and stored in a clean, dry place.

Related Markets and Applications

  • Elastomers:
    Cellulose paper
  • Facility infrastructure:
    Power Generation & Utilities, Medical & Pharmaceutical
  • Maintenance, repair, overhaul:
    Chemical & Petrochemical, Facility Infrastructure, Food & Beverage, General Industry, Oil & Gas, Personal Care,
  • Metalworking and production:
    Consumer Products, Electronics,
  • Transport:
    Transportation, Heavy industry

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