Shell Refrigeration Oil S2 FR-A Oil for refrigeration compressors

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Baza chemiczna: Olej mineralny

Cechy szczególne: Dobra ochrona przed korozją, Wysoka odporność na zużycie

Przemysł: Motoryzacja

Typ produktu: Olej sprężarkowy

Zastosowanie: Hydraulika, Pompy, Sprężarki


Shell Refrigeration Oil S2 FR-A 68

Shell Refrigeration Oil S2 FR-A 46

Refrigerator Compressor Lubricant

Refrigeration compressor oil

Shell Refrigeration Oil S2 FR-A is a low miscibility compressor oil designed for use in systems containing ammonia as the refrigerant. The combination of a base oil containing properly refined paraffin oils with specially selected additives minimizes the formation of deposits in the system and ensures a long oil and equipment life.



  • Refrigeration compressors
    Shell Refrigeration Oil S2 FR-A is recommended for use in open, semi-hermetic and hermetic applications in domestic, commercial and industrial systems. It can be used in reciprocating and rotary compressors.
  • Refrigerant compatibility
    Shell Refrigeration Oil S2 FR-A is recommended for use in ammonia (R717) systems where it provides excellent performance even at high compression temperatures and low evaporating temperatures as low as -30°C.
    It can also be used in systems with hydrocarbon refrigerants such as propane (R290). Shell Refrigeration Oil S2 FR-A is not recommended for use with CFC, HCFC or HFC type refrigerants such as R12, R22 or R134a.

    Features and benefits

    • System efficiency
      Shell Refrigeration Oil S2 FR-A is the optimum performance oil for oil separator systems. It is formulated to reduce oil entrainment, which reduces the tendency to thin the oil and reduces the amount of oil left on the internal surface of the evaporator to increase system efficiency.
    • Extended runs
      Shell Refrigeration Oil S2 FR-A has exceptional heat and oxidation resistance, ensuring long oil life, even at high compression temperatures. In addition, this oil is more effective in protecting against the formation of deposits and sludge due to long use compared to conventional refrigeration oils made from mineral bases.

    Technical parameters Refrigeration Oil S2 FR A 46 and A 68


    Refrigeration Oil S2 FR-A 46


    Refrigeration Oil S2 FR-A 68

    Viscosity grade ISO 3448 46
    Oil type DIN 51503 KAA, EC KAA, EC
    kinematic viscosity [mm2/s] ASTM D445
    at 40 [°C] 46
    at 100 [°C] 6.7
    Density at 15 [°C] [g/cm3] ISO 12185 0.859 0.862
    COC flash point [°C] ISO 2592 218
    Acid number (mg KOH/g )
    ASTM D664 (TAN) 0.01
    Pour point [°C] ASTM D97
    -39 -39
    Miscibility with R290 completely miscible with hydrocarbon refrigerants

    Specifications and approvals

    • Shell Refrigeration Oil S2 FR-A meets the requirements of DIN
      51503 KAA and EC.
      For more information on approvals and recommendations, please contact the Shell technical department.

    Compatibility and mixability

    • Seal compatibility
      Shell Refrigeration Oil S2 FR-A is compatible with seals specified for use with mineral oils.
    • Compatibility with oils
      Shell Refrigeration Oil S2 FR-A is fully miscible with mineral, alkyl benzene and PAO based oils.

    Work safety and environmental protection

    Shell Refrigeration Oil S2 FR-A does not pose a direct health risk when properly used for its intended purpose and with personal hygiene. Avoid skin contact. Use protective gloves. In case of skin contact, wash off the oil with soap and water.

    Environmental Protection
    Used oil should be handed over to an authorized and licensed waste disposal company.
    Do not pour into the soil, surface waters or drains.

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